Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sometimes helping is just a few clicks away

Here in my area we had a water main break and it resulted low water pressure and a boil water advisory. An inconvenience, sure. But when one has the option of going to the corner store for a gallon of water or dropping by a family member's house to grab a shower, it's not such a big deal.

It did get me thinking of those who don't have those options.

I came across this blog recently. Here's a guy who's trying to get water to people who desperately need it to survive. All it takes is a moment to register and a click to vote for his project--less time than it would take you to get a glass of water from your tap.

I find it amazing to live in an age where I can help people on the other side of the world and never leave my desk.

Have a great day and take a moment to appreciate what you have.

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